

"A woman is like a tea bag - you never know how strong she is until she gets in hot water."


Wing Chun Kung Fu is for everyone, yet it was designed to deal with much stronger opponents. The philosophy of the Wing Chun gives the female student the ability to learn in an environment that allows them to stay and feel safe. For the majority of women, the thought of attending a martial arts class to learn to effectively defend themselves is possibly the worst thought of the day, typically a male dominated environment can be a very intimidating one, women who are looking to defend themselves from being attacked by a male is therefore a scary prospect to train with them. With this in mind, the philosophy of the Wing Chun class room is very different to others and gives the female student the ability to learn in an environment that allows them to stay and feel safe, yet be given the confidence to train in a way where the new found skills and ability can be developed against predominantly those that it will be needed against in real life situations.

The Wing Chun system is dedicated to work for everyone and certainly lends itself to those of us with a smaller stature and of a weaker position, this is because it relies on theories and concepts as opposed to brute strength, Wing Chun is about understanding body mechanics and the use of efficient movement rather than set techniques that may not work against different people, Its about how to avoid using strength and force and a successful student will learn to use their body structure correctly; this is a key element in Wing Chun practice.


Weight Loss & Fitness

Would you like to get fit and lose weight while learning a form of self defence? Wing Chun is based on technique rather than strength and involves natural cardiovascular exercise compared to many Martial Arts that rely on brute strength, Wing Chun is a Martial Art that is perfect for women which is why it was invented by a women.

The best way to loose weight is to do it whilst also having fun, this is a well proven method to achieve most things in life, with regular and continued exercise and setting your goals with a course of a healthy, and balanced diet it all makes to achieve your goals. What is great about Wing Chun Martial Arts training is that our classes are designed to motivate you to maintain continued exercise in a way that is effortless yet you see great benefits on your journey. Within the class time you will improve your cardiovascular fitness, tone up and gain the shape that you are looking for as well as distress through workout from various pads punching drills, with all of this tailored into fun drills and exercises.

Confidence And Self Esteem

Confidence (self confidence) is regarded about how we feel within ourselves from the knowledge that we hold about ourselves! Self esteem, how we feel about ourselves based on our perception of what others think about us. One of these is inwards thinking and the other is outwards thinking, very few people understand how to change these and make them grow within our minds, this is a big part of your martial arts training and two key elements that grow through your classes. Confidence is grown by the intake of knowledge, from a self defence perspective we may hold on to a lack of confidence as we feel fear from being attacked by others and do not hold the knowledge to deal with this, your martial arts classes are designed to grow this area of your confidence. With greater confidence we give out expressions on to others that change there perception of us and therefore changes the way that they treat you, it is true that the best way to deal with a bully is to stand up against them, you give off greater confidence by doing this and therefore they back down, your self esteem grows as you realize you can do it! Your self esteem goes up!



 Women's Only One Day Course

One day self defence courses for women are a great way to introduce yourself to learning the basics of Wing Chun in a female only environment. As a dedicated group it means that you can work through the Wing Chun material in a comfortable manor, however we do not believe that women only classes should be maintained, there is no substitute for normal classes, we believe this to be a stable training environment that improves your new skills.


The instructor will introduce you to the key subjects of self defence and work through a well written curriculum so at the end of the one day course you have a good foundation to work with into the future, unfortunately in the world of self defence there is no substitution for ongoing personal development in this subject and you will either feel confident enough to continue your training in a class environment or feel a little more confident in your day to day surrounding.


Women Only One Day Self Defence Course Coming Soon!

Please email us for dates and more info

10.30am - 6.30pm

£55 WCI members / £120 Non members

This course is for women only aged 13+

"Sometimes the most dangerous situation is the one we didn’t prepare for."


What should I have and wear for the classes?

The Wing Chun classroom is a very relaxed place to be and depending on the development of the school would depend on the structure in place for its students and uniform required, as a new student trying out the classes, clothing and footwear that is comfortable and relaxing is perfect, as soon as you feel its appropriate and wish to take your training a little more seriously then the following items will help make you apart of the school and improve your training. The below list is what you will need to attend a typical Wing Chun class however the list is not exhaustive and will depend on the school, some of the equipment may be provided so you don’t have to buy your own:


Uniform which consists of t-shirt and trousers

Relaxed attitude

Open mind